Feature 1

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Unique in the world All

in one Spirometer with 6000 test memory.Oximeter with 1000 hours recording.Stand alone or PC online operation.Graphic display with user friendly icons.Patient identification by name or ID code.Bluetooth® connection to printer or mobile phone.USB, RS232 and wireless acoustic modem.Upgradeable internal software via internet. Spirometry printoutSleep Oximery printout
Spirometry features

FVC, VC, IVC, MVV, PRE-POST BD.Automatically records the best 3 trials.Internal temperature sensor for automatic BTPS.Advanced spirometry test interpretation.Lung age estimation. SpO2 module(option) Sleep disorder detection with events recording.Six minute walk test with automatic alarm for rest, walk and recovery.Parameters directly shown on the display (min, max, mean SpO2 and Pulse Rate, Δ Index, T90, T89, T88, T5, ODI, NOD, Desaturation Area etc.).Its innovative functions make it the most unique oximeter on the market
Large display
All results are shown directly on the display winspiroPROPC software Spirometry programFlow/Volume and Volume/time curves.PRE-POST bronchodilator comparison.FEV1 dose-response curve.Exclusive paediatric incentive system.Advanced spirometry test interpretation.Several sets of predicted values.Integration with Electronic Medical Record.Data and graphs export also via e-mail.Oximetry programPC online with SpO2 and Pulse Rate trend.Desaturation events analysis.Possibility to modify the registered data (start/end walk test phase, artefacts, etc.).One of the most distinctive elements of the spirobank II is the "specialised and detailed" printout in colour, which is easy to read and facilitates the diagnostic interpretation Complete tests results6 Minute Walk Test printout Available options Adult reusable SpO2 finger probeAdult disposable SpO2 finger probePaediatric reusable SpO2 finger probeNeonatal reusable SpO2 probeNeonatal disposable SpO2 probeSpO2 extension cableRS232 cable for PC Two different flowmeters available FlowMir disposable turbine for single patient useHigh accuracy.Easy to replace.Very low cost.Designed for use with MIR spirometers.FlowMIR is factory calibrated.Available in box of 100 pieces.No maintenance – No filter – No problem.Hygiene 100% guaranteed by single packaging. MIR digital reusable and disposable turbines are developed in full compliance with ATS standards and guarantee accuracy in all environmental conditions Reusable turbine for long term operationHigh accuracyLong term stabilityEasy to clean or sterilize Standard price includes Spirobank II base unitUSB cableCarrying casePlastic noseclip4 AAA alkaline batterieswinspiroPRO software CD

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