Feature 1

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The sharpest eye in the OR

Accurate, detailed, three-dimensional images are the alpha and omega of teleconsultations, allowing surgeons around the world to gather reliable second opinions from their colleagues. Although this is an especially important application, the field of education and teaching also requires live, crystal clear images from the OR for broadcast into classrooms and lecture halls. The modern high-definition standard is what makes this possible, and the new “TruVidia HD” is the first to integrate the technology into an OR lamp.
The first camera developed for the iLED OR lamp has already broadcast excellent, SD-quality video images (SD = standard definition). The HD version can only improve this further, as it transmits two million pixels at 1080-line resolution, yielding images that are more than twice as clear as the SD version — and it does this in wide-screen format, on increasingly large displays and even over long distances, thanks in no small part to the new data transmission media of fibre-optic cables. The results are video signals with no interference, regardless of the location, no loss in quality and, to top it off, that cannot be tapped. In modern ORs with a single command centre, digital infrastructure is also supported by „Truvidia HD“ and, in so doing, the camera acts as the perfect complement to the HD quality of endoscopic images from inside the body. Plus, USB memory sticks will be able to do more than just save stationary images — in the future they will be used for fast and direct storage of entire video sequences (whether HD or SD).
And yet another advantage: The open architecture and modular interfaces of TruVidia camera systems allow hospitals to hook up additional cameras at a later date. So hospitals can upgrade their systems at any time and, if they wish, use either the HD or SD version. Of course the new HD camera is being integrated into the sterile operating concept of the iLED OR lamp, and it supports its regulated colour temperature for improved contrast within the OR environment.

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