Feature 1

Monday, August 11, 2008

MASTERPULS® MP200 - The first HIGH-FREQUENCY radial shock wave therapy

High shock frequencies, maximum shock wave introduction into the tissue, optimized application pressure and convenient touch screen technology. Now possible: »Biomechanical Stimulation« (BMS) with D-ACTOR® technology!
»Biomechanical Stimulation« (BMS) performed with D-ACTOR® technology is based on the mechanical application of vibrating pulses to tensed, shortened or overstretched muscles and tendons by means of the physiological shock frequencies (18 – 21 Hz) and low vibration amplitudes of the D-ACTOR® shock transmitters. As a result, proprioception is controlled, the tissue is purified and the interaction between the central and peripheral nervous systems is improved.
Facts and figures:
Shock frequency: 1 – 21 Hz
Application pressure: 1 – 5 bar, 18.5 MPa
Control via LCD screen
Patented D-ACTOR® technology
*With »ma-x« Technology - does not infringe EP 0 991 447

Physiological intrinsic oscillations play a key role in muscular perfusion and lymphatic drainage.« Professor V. T. Nazarov, 1988
Biomechanical therapy
Myofascial trigger points (MTrP)
Disorders of tendon insertions Activation of muscle and connective tissue
Acupuncture shock wave therapy

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