Feature 1

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sensation 7Fr. &CS300 IABP System

Introducing Sensation 7Fr. - the smallest IAB catheter available today combined with innovative, fiber-optic technology that automatically calibrates in vivo. Smaller is better for the patient, potentially reducing vascular complications.
The New CS300 with IntelliSense™ combines fiber-optic speed with automatic in vivo calibration. The result is faster time to therapy, faster signal acquisition, and faster adaptation to rate and rhythm changes.
Fiber-optic pressure signal transmission to a patient monitor
Unique automatic in vivo calibration
Datascope has the ONLY fiber-optic IABP and catheter system that automatically calibrates in the patient after insertion and automatically recalibrates in vivo every 2 hours or sooner should patient or environmental conditions change.

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