Feature 1

Thursday, July 10, 2008

QBC STAR™ Centrifugal Hematology System for In-Office CBC Testing

QBC STAR™ Centrifugal Hematology System for In-Office CBC Testing

Jul 9 2008 - QBC Diagnostics Inc. announces the availability of the QBC STAR™ Centrifugal Hematology System for performing in-office CBC testing. An innovative approach to CBC testing, the QBC STAR System employs advanced dry hematology technology, compared to alternate methods that employ bulky liquid reagents. All of the reagents needed to perform a CBC test with the QBC STAR System are contained in the QBC STAR Tube. After filling the tube with the blood sample, the clinician simply places it in the specially designed QBC STAR System and obtains the test results after the analysis is complete

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