Feature 1

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arterial catheter

Arterial catheter
Arterial catheter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An arterial line, or art-line, is a thin catheter inserted into an artery. It is most commonly used in intensive care medicine to monitor the blood pressure real-time (rather than by intermittent measurement), and to obtain samples for arterial blood gas measurements. It is not generally used to administer medication.
An arterial line is usually inserted in the wrist (radial artery); but can also be inserted into the elbow (brachial artery), groin (femoral artery), foot (pedal artery), or neck (carotid artery).
Insertion is often painful; however an anesthetic such as Lidocaine can be used to make the inserion more tolerable, but this can make insertion more difficult.

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