Akers' clasp
An Akers' clasp is the classic direct retainer for removable partial dentures. Named after its inventor, Polk E. Akers, this suprabulge clasp consists of a rest, a guide plate, a retentive arm and a reciprocal arm. Akers' clasps, as a rule, face away from an edentulous area. Should they face the edentulous area, they are termed reverse Akers' clasps.
Conventional clasp dentures, cause resisting force when they are inserted, leading to shorter life of the abutment tooth. Sectional dentures that do not produce hazardous lateral force and can exert adequate retaining force by making use of the abutment tooth�es undercuts, have also been used�P. However the latter type of denture requires complex operation and, for this reason, has not been frequently used clinically. Under these circumstances, we recently devised a new retainer for removable dentures which makes use of the concept of sectional denture and employs a magnetic attachment. When this retainer was used clinically, the outcome was good.
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