Feature 1

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IoC – View monitor Equipment (Anaesthetic Equipment)

IoC – View monitor
The IoC - View monitor is a medical device designed by the company Morpheus Medical. The IoC - View has been engineered with cutting edge technology to provide the Index of Consciousness (IoC) to the anaesthesia professional.

Methods The principal parameter of the IoC - View is the symbolic dynamics method. The symbolic dynamics detect the complexity of the EEG which makes it a correlate to the depth of anaesthesia. The IoC - View also integrates the beta ratio during the superficial anaesthesia and the amount of suppression of the EEG (ESR, EEG Suppression Rate) in deep anaesthesia.

The IoC-view for monitoring the depth of anaesthesia.The Index of Consciousness is designed to measure the level of consciousness during general anaesthesia where the correct balancing of anaesthetics or fast recovery is a concern.

The IoC - View features a pocket-size for convenient portability and records the electroencephalogram (EEG) with 3 surface electrodes attached to the forehead of the patient.

Also this monitor of deep anaesthesia uses a continuous processed EEG parameter that correlates to the patient's level of hypnosis where decreasing IoC values correspond to gradually loss of consciousness and a deepening of the level of anaesthesia, where 40-60 indicates adequate anaesthesia.

The IoC is a scale ranging from 0-99, where 99 indicates an awake patient and 0 indicates a flat EEG.

The IoC - View uses the latest technology in electronics design and software ensuring safe and reliable performance. IoC - View is the first depth of anaesthesia monitor to use Bluetooth providing a true wireless solution to the anesthesiologist. All the data obtained with the IoC - View monitor could be sent to PDAs, multiparameter monitors or PCs where it could be monitored in real time and recorded at the same time.

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