Feature 1

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Integrated OR Monitor DYNASCOPE DS-7000

Integrated OR Monitor DYNASCOPE DS-7000
Integrated monitor with flexible modules and a Multigas unit enables easy and safe monitoring in Operation Room. The DS-7000 is a patient monitor that measures ECG, HR, NIBP, Pulse rate, SpO2, Temperature (up to 3ch), BP(up to 6ch), and Cardiac Output. 12.1-inch Color LCD display with Touch screenOptional Flexible modules (IBP, CO, and Temp) availableOptional Multigas Unit "Sidestream (EtCO2, N2O, O2, AG)" available5 fixed keys for better control of frequent functions(Alarm Silence, Recording and NIBP )Built-in 3 channels recorderAdvanced NIBP measurement with "Dyna Alert" systemMAC value calculation for support during AnesthesiaCompact and lightweight design for space saving for OR facilities

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