Feature 1

Monday, July 28, 2008

Water-Jel Fire Blankets offer one of the quickest, easiest for emergency firs aid burn care

Water-Jel Fire Blankets offer one of the quickest, easiest  for emergency firs aid burn care Water-Jel Fire Blankets offer one of the quickest, easiest and most direct methods of administering emergency first aid burn care. When placed on a victim, gel-soaked blankets ease the pain, cool the burn, and help protect against airborne contamination all in one easy step. They can also be used to extinguish flames on a victim, put out small fires. The Fire Blankets are composed of a 100% worsted wool carrier with an intercellular weaver capable of absorbing up to 13x its own weight. The wool is soaked in a water based, water soluble gel that is bacteriostatic and biodegradable. The Water-Jel Fire Blankets are available in three sizes and are packaged in high visiblity orange canisters, that can be mounted on a wall, or in flexible foil pouches where space is limited:
Available in canisters:91 x 76 cm, 183 x 152 cm and 244 x 183 cmAvailable in foil pouches:91 x 76 cm and 183 x 152 cm

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