Feature 1

Friday, July 4, 2008


automatic desinfector probe

The TD-100 is only 8" deep, 24" wide, and 44" high. It can be placed close to where you use your probes without taking up excessive space needed with manual reprocessing.

The TD-100 has FDA 510k clearance. It has been tested and approved by the three major TEE manufacturers: Philips Medical, Siemens Medical and GE HealthCare.
There are already one hundred and fifty TD-100s in use.
Fast & Easy to Use
The TD-100 couldn't be easier to use. After inserting the TEE probe into the TD-100, you simply follow the clear prompts on the display. This takes less than one minute, 15 minutes later with no further input from the operator, the cycle is complete. Compare that to the labor intensive manual process for disinfection and rinsing.
automatic desinfectorPrinted Verification
The TD-100 performs continuous self-diagnostic tests that confirm the result in a printed report after each cycle. The date, time and identity of both operator and probe are recorded. If needed, additional copies can be printed directly from the machine.

Protects Your Probes
The TD-100 dramatically reduces the amount of stress and the potential for damage to TEE probes. The following is a manufacturers warning for TEE probes: "Do not use a transducer that has been dropped or struck against another object. The transducer is fragile and will break ...this is not covered by the warranty and service contract." Manual reprocessing exposes your probes to this type of expensive damage.
Protects Your Staff
TD-5 is a glutaraldehyde-based, high-level disinfectant made specifically for the TD-100. The single-use one-pint container is pierced inside the machine. Splashes, spills, and vapors are contained. Fresh disinfectant is used for each cycle eliminating the need for MEC testing. An advanced vapor management system adsorbs vapors during the process.
Cost Saving
Time is money and the TD-100 generates huge savings both in labor time and cycle time. The disinfection and rinse process requires less than one minute of operator time, while the whole process only takes 15 minutes. Because the TD-100 can be placed where you use your probes, you eliminate the need to transport the delicate probes back and forth for reprocessing. The TD-100 allows more procedures with the same probe, while reducing stress and potential damage to probes.
TEE Probe Storage System
The AC-TCRK is a complete system for
safely storing your TEE probes. It is made
up of three components: a 48" removable
tube, padded electrical connector holder
and a curved strain relief.
The DS-03 Neutralizing Tank
The DS-03 is a semi-automated system that is designed for use with the TD-100 and other vapor control systems. It neutralizes disinfectant before it discharges into the drain (required in California). When used with the TD-100, it automatically pumps the deactivated liquid to drain after four cycles.
PCI Medical Inc. PO Box 188 12 Bridge St. Deep River, CT 06417
Tel: USA (800) 862-3394 International (860) 526-2862 Fax: (860) 526-3081 Email: info@pcimedical.com
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