Feature 1

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Somté Explore Sleep... Beat by Beat

Somté  Explore Sleep... Beat by Beat

The Somté assembles a technologically advanced pager-size recorder with powerful and comprehensive analysis software for the clinician. This new investigative tool is designed for ‘holter-style’ recording of both respiratory and cardiac data.

Congestive Heart Failure affects million of people around the world. It has been estimated that nearly half of these individuals exhibit sleep disordered breathing patterns.

Now, Compumedics introduces Somté, a new investigative tool for "holter-style" recoding of a wide range of physiological data. Somté software provides comprehensive analyses to assist in understanding the nature and severity of the interrelated respiratory and cardiac diseases.

Features & Benefits

Offering the Best in Digital Technology

Somté is the crystallization of Compumedics' years of experience and technological expertise in producing amplifiers and sensors for capturing physiologic data.We selected the best measurement techniques for tracking cardiac and respiratory physiology and packaged them into Somté.

This includes:
Integrated pressure transducer for nasal flow signal/derived snoring/CPAP pressure.
Respiratory bands that utilize inductive technology for semi-quantitative recordings
2 channel ECG with full disclosure
Integrated oximeter with pulse waveform
Superior Signal Recording

The Somté is a compact pager-sized recorder with remarkable features:
Integrated, high resolution LCD display for convenient control and monitoring functions
Three-button user-friendly operations
High capacity data storage on a removable Compact Flash Card
Powered by 2 AA batteries (Alkaline or NiMH) for portability
Small, patient wearable, unobtrusive and light weight: system weighs only 200 grams
Remarkable features in a compact recorder

Somté offers versatility and customization with 8 data channels producing up to 13 total signals including data types not typically offered on small, ambulatory recorders.

Your choice of 2 available high frequency channels - EEG, EOG, ECG or EMG
Up to 2 channels of ECG for arrhythmia detection and classification
Multiple ECG waveform view
Pressure transducer for sensitive nasal airflow and CPAP measurements
Effort signals produced from inductive band technology
PLM data collection/ analysis
Available signals
Thoracic Effort
Abdominal Effort
Limb movement
Body position
Pulse rate
Pulse waveform
Oximeter signal quality

Somté records all the raw waveforms.
All raw data is available for review in multiple user-defined formats
battery support for recordings up to 30 hours
removable Compact Flash Card storage
Somté includes software to quickly analyze and automatically report respiratory and PLM results. An optional ECG analysis package for advanced automatic processing of the recorded data is also available

Comprehensive and unique analysis Software options

Somté software package includes
Full waveform review
Automatic respiratory event detection and statistics (central apnea, obstructive apnea, mixed apnea, hypopnea, SpO2 desaturation events and artifacts)
Oximetry analysis
full manual event editing capabilities (deletion, reclassification, marking new)
event searching
view patient information
comprehensive report generation with user definable template
full disclosure printing

Optional Somté ECG analysis package includes
automatic analysis with statistics and historgrams
QRS complex classification
arrhythmia detection and classification
ECG statistics during respiratory events
Trend data for ST segment and normal R-R interval (heart rate)
heart rate variability analysis
24 hour ECG with full disclosure trace display and printing
ECG template classification and editing

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