Feature 1

Thursday, July 31, 2008

ProFusion EEG Excellence in Neuro-Diagnostics

ProFusion EEG Excellence in Neuro-Diagnostics Overview
From the world leader in sophisticated polysomnographic analysis comes software products that will change the way you think about EEG recordings…
From clinical 24 channel recordings to long term, 64 channel studies, Compumedics has developed the products you need to do the job better and faster. And, by offering complete and seamless compatibility with multiple Compumedics sophisticated recorders/amplifiers, clinicians now can configure systems in way never possible before.
Designed and implemented within the robust Windows NT/2000-XP operating systems, Compumedics ProFusion EEG software offers an incredibly sophisticated user interface. Included are all the tools you need to quickly collect and review raw waveforms and digital video, to run sophisticated analyses (QEEG), and simply and quickly archive the test data.
A fully synchronised, high quality digital video option is available. Use with “picture in picture” feature or configure your system with two video displays, one for the waveform data and one for patient colour video. Multiple monitor configurations from Compumedics offer more screen space for waveform comparisons, patient video, and report formulation during review.
Complete synchronization of raw data, QEEG processed data, and patient video is standard with ProFusion EEG for the most comprehensive and accurate data review available.
Now available with Persyst "Reveal" Spike and Seizure Detection Software
Compumedics ProFusion EEG is now available with the internationally recognised Persyst Spike and Seizure Detection software. Persyst “Reveal” is seamlessly integrated into ProFusion EEG to allow the Doctor and Technologist even greater analysis capabilities for detecting spike and seizure activity on-line and in review. (Available in ProFusion EEG July 2002).
In combination with our superior Digital Video technology, we can provide a complete solution to nearly all EEG monitoring requirements.
ProFusion EEG offers great tools for report generation and/or preparation of clinical presentations. Set up an automatic link to your favourite word processor for quick formatting of diagnostic impressions. And, because ProFusion EEG is a powerful Microsoft Windows application, it is easy to export data and text directly to useful presentation programs such as Microsoft Powerpoint.

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