Gambro Renal Products USA - Global healthcare company with leading positions in Renal
Care and Blood Component Technology.GE Healthcare - Provides services in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, disease research, drug discovery and biopharmaceuticals.
The Getinge Group - Provider of customized sterilization solutions.Getinge Skärhamn AB - Production of sterilizers and autoclaves. Located on Tjörn island, on the west coast of Sweden.
GN Otometrics - Manufacturer of hearing and balance instrumentation and software.
Gottfried Medical, Inc. - Manufactures custom-made vascular supports and burn garments. Specializes in unusual sizes and patient requirements.
GTS General Technology & Service Ltd. - Manufacturer of medical sensors, supplies equipment and consumables for patient monitoring, blood management and respiratory care throughout Asia and the Pacific Rim.
HakoMed - Manufactures, and distributes electromedical equipment for treating pain-including internationally patented Horizontal Therapy.
Harrison Insulating Systems - Emergency blanket, survival, space blankets from Harrison Insulating Systems for hypothermia treatment, first aid, shock, rescues, disasters and evacuations. Supplied to NHS, police, medical product bodies.
Hart Enterprises, Inc. - Manufacturer of disposable medical devices.
HealthTronics, Inc. - Distributes and markets urological equipment for screening, diagnosis and treatment. Includes information on their lithotripter and surgical laser, with pages for patients, physicians, investors, and maintenance based in Austin, Texas. (Nasdaq: HTRN)
Heartway Medical Products Co., Ltd. - Manufacturer of manual, power and electric wheelchair, medical products, commode chair, shower chair.
Heathcare Cable Systems - Specialists in the area of healthcare television systems, servicing both large and small hospitals.
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. - Organized into three major operating companies serving the health care and funeral services industries. (NYSE:HB).
Hospira, Inc. - Products for EEG diagnostics and monitoring.Hydro Track / Conray Inc. - Manufacturer of underwater treadmill systems. For physical therapy or fitness.
I.E.M. GmbH - Specialises in non-invasive blood pressure products including ambulatory and wrist blood pressure monitors.
IGR Enterprises - Developer of electronic solid-state oxygen generation technology. Self-sustaining oxygen generating systems for medical and industrial use.
Indian Instruments Manufacturing Co. - Manufacturers of scientific, surgical, laboratory and hospital instruments, equipment and furniture.
Inflatable Cervical Stabilizing Device - When used properly, in conjunction with Cervical Collars and Spine Boards, the ICSD allows for rapid and optimal cervical stabilization and immobilization, by Paramedics and EMTs, for victims of Trauma related injuries.
Inlet Medical, Inc. - A medical device company that provides solutions to women's health problems through instruments and kits for laparoscopic surgery.
InnerVision Medical Technologies Inc - Develop ultra-high resolution synthetic aperture imaging and dedicated 2D/3D supercomputing technologies in diagnostic medical imaging. Includes technology and applications.
Inrad - Manufacturer and distributor of medical devices serving the radiology and biopsy markets worldwide.
Integrated Recovery Products, Inc. - Manufacturer and retailer pain control and rehabilitation products.ISPG - An OEM supplier of stainless steel cannulae, speciaty needles, and glass syringes.
Izevsky Mekhanichesky Zavod - Exclusive technologies in domain of microelectronics and instrument making customary available to manufacture of various medical appliances.
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