Feature 1

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

GlideScope® Verathon

GlideScope® Verathon
Verathon® recently expanded its product portfolio with the acquisition of Saturn Biomedical Systems and the GlideScope® Video Laryngoscope (GVL®) brand in January 2006. GlideScope® provides a consistently clear view of the airway, enabling quick intubation, and offers significant benefits to Anaesthesiology, Surgery, and Emergency Medicine markets.Designed for 1st Pass Success, the GlideScope® Video Laryngoscope (GVL®) provides a clear, real time view of the patient’s airway, enabling fast and accurate intubations.

GlideScope® GlideRite™
The patented GlideScope® GlideRite™ tracheal tube has a soft curved distal tip designed by Parker Medical to prevent trauma to airway structures.• Soft, flexible, resilient tip glides gently along the airway surfaces without scraping.• Centred tip helps facilitate rapid intubation• Tapered tip designed to pass easily through a narrow glottis• Curved tip provides better visualisation of the distal end of the tube and glottic opening during intubation

Verathon®’s BladderScan® is used throughout the healthcare continuum worldwide, in primary, acute and extended care. The BladderScan® is well developed in the Urology market where it is accepted as the ‘standard of care’, and this acceptance has led to the product being actively used in the following departments:
• UEBW & Bladder Wall Thickness• Elderly Care• Gynaecology• Neurology• Obstetrics• Orthopaedics• Paediatrics• Stroke & Rehabilitation• Surgical Recovery
The BladderScan® Bladder Volume Measurement Instrument offers the user many benefits, including Prevents unnecessary catheterisation• Reduces incidence of urinary tract infection• Easy to use• Saves staff time• Non-invasive• Cost-effective• Eliminates unnecessary trauma to patients• Non-real time allows focussed scanning• Our in-house company unique training package is aligned to KSF requirements• Can be used by any healthcare practitioner and applied to their clinical environment• Through the use of BladderScan® you can promote best practice and safeguard high standards of care• You can order our products, consumables and accessories through NHS Logistics

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