Feature 1

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Deliver “Value and Control” with the New On-Call® Plus biosensor system

Deliver “Value and Control” with the New On-Call® Plus biosensor system Self-monitoring of blood glucose is an important part of diabetes care, but the high cost of testing can make this impossible. At ACON, our goal is to provide high quality glucose monitoring at a price that allows you to test as often as necessary. Together, we can better manage your diabetes and help you live a longer and healthier life.
Deliver “Value and Control” with the New On-Call® Plus biosensor system
1) Convenient, reliable results
•Capillary action strips allow a quick and simple application of blood. In only 10 seconds, the meter produces an accurate reading.
2) Less painful results
•Requires only 1ul of blood and allows testing on forearm and palm.
3) Affordable results
•Frequent testing helps improve control
4) Information to better manage diabetes
•Memory feature stores up to 300 tests and provides 7, 14 and 30-day averaging. Results can also be downloaded to a PC.
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