Feature 1

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bird avian ventilator

bird avian ventilatorManufacturer:BIRD

Listing Age:74 days
Model:Avian Transport
Bird Avian Transport Ventilator--Compact transport ventilator offers control, assist/control, SIMV, CPAP, AC/DC operation. 11 hour internal battery, Great working and cosmetic conditionBird Avian is a Microprocessor controlled portable ventilator: Modes included are Control, Assist/control and SIMV. The ventilator's compact, simple design is easy to use and extremly durable. Self powered with (new) internal battery and external DC power supply (100-125VAC/50-60Hz switchable to 220-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz) Military vesion with 100 PSI Pop Off. Most are unused and include accessories as shown including micro blender.

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