The Smart CapnoLine® EtCO2 sampling lines offer unique, precise, and accurate sampling with improved performance for CO2 monitoring for the non-intubated patient.The
patented Uni-junction design guarantees correct sampling, especially for patients who are oral and/or nasal breathers. This is enhanced by the larger surface area of the Smart CapnoLine® Plus.Smart CapnoLine® products include:Smart CapnoLine® Plus* For use in procedural sedation including GI procedures, critical care, ED and EMSSmart CapnoLine® H Plus* Specially designed to provide longer duration use* Recommended for monitoring CO2 during pain management therapy* One-size fits both large and medium-sized patientsSmart CapnoLine®* For pediatric patient sampling* For use in procedural sedation including GI procedures, critical care, ED and EMSSmart CapnoLine® H* For pediatric patient sampling* For longer duration use* Recommended for monitoring CO2 during pain management therapy
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