Feature 1

Friday, February 8, 2008

nihon kohden neuropack s emg /ep measuring system meb-9400k

  1. 1.innovative software quick EMG and quick NCS programs provide the fastest examination possible. basic protocols, including emg, ncs, and somatosensory, audiotory and visual evoked potential software are provided as standard . 2.optional software packages are available for other examinations.
  2. 3.one click report
    three types of report can be generated by just clicking the report button= Microsoft excel, screen hard copy, waveforms, data and information on one page
  3. 4.user frienly menu
  4. 5.extensive built in help the neuronavi on screen can guide shows examination information and electrode and stimulation positions for NCS and othe reexaminations.
  5. 6.low noise amplifier
  6. 7.comprehensive emg exam
  7. 8.up to 99 sites continous 600 second emg wave form can be stored on the hardisk and reviewed. quick mup analysis, muscle and site selection and smoth scroll help in the diagnostic of needle emg study.
  8. 9.flexible emg storage three storage modes are available for the best fit you need :
    a. retroactive mode : the waveforms are temporally stored for a certain period of time just before pushing the store button: flexible mode stores up to 10 minutes of data while you push the foot switch
    b. analysis mode: the wave form of a fixed period after pushing the analysis button stored.

10.optional software for emg examination :

  1. quantitative emg software (QP 946K): QEMG , realtime MUAP analysis with template maching method, realtime interface pattern analysis
  2. 11.single fiber and makro emg software (QP 947BK):single fiber emg/stimulated single fiber emg, macro emg, single fiber jitter analysis ,simultaneous 8 channel : for all acquired waveforms jitter analysis is possible at different trigger levels , mcd, msd, mipi, firing rate and blocking can be automatically analysed. two sigle fiber modes are available :voluntary contraction and stimulated.
  3. emg playback software (QP 930B):this windoews applications lets you play back emg files with sound on a pc for presentations and lectures
  4. ncs program for the ultimate timesaving exam: lets you peforms MCS,SCS and F wave in one program. up 42 examinatoioms can be created.
  5. abr, mlr. svr. ecochg, auditory
  6. sep,ssep,ecgssep, escp, electronic
  7. pattern vep, goggle vep, flash vep. erg, eog, visual.autonomic nervous system test software (QP 954BK): microneurography, ssr
  8. review software (QP 219BK): saved on meb2200 , meb4200, meb5500
    major option and related instrument

cart, KD026A desktop. cart KD 019A laptop, headphone dr531b14, led google sls102j,evoked eeg electrode set 132b, flash stimulator sls3100
nacs disposable electrode h690 nm 317y3, ncs extention cable k625a bm001b
surface stimulation electrode felt tip adult h636 nm420s
surface stimulation electrode stainless h639 nm422b
somato control box ry 441b
concentric needle electrode 20mm h630 nm 121t 30 mm h650 nm 131t 50 mm h631 nm151t
extension cable k611 bm121s
ground electrode h658 nm550b

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