Feature 1

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Monitors have alarms that notify members of the care team when a measurement is detected that is out of acceptable range. The constant alarming of these monitors can be frightening to patients and their families. It is important to remember that this highly sophisticated equipment is designed to provide the best possible care.
Some of the monitoring equipment seen in the ICU includes the following:
1.Cardiac or heart monitors: . such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), respiratory rate, blood pressure (noninvasive and invasive), body temperature, cardiac output, arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation, mixed venous oxygenation, and end-tidal carbon dioxide, via electrodes and sensors connected to the patient.
2.Pulse oximeter: measure the arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation of the patient's blood
3.Swan-Ganz catheter:
4.Arterial lines (a-lines)
5.Tubes and Catheters Central venous catheter (CVC):
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