Feature 1

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wireless Medical Telemetry Service

Wireless Medical Telemetry Service

In the United States, the FCC recently established the Wireless Medical Telemetry Service, which designates specific radio frequency bands for medical telemetry, including 608-614 MHz, 1395-1400 MHz and 1427-1429.5 MHz. Because neither land-mobile radios nor television is allowed to operate on these frequencies, this band is safe from the sources of RF interference that are common to medical telemetry. With its first of many 608-614 MHz telemetry installations occurring in October 1999, Spacelabs Healthcare was the first to provide products that operate in the new frequency bands. Ultraview Digital Telemetry is now installed in hospitals across the US and Canada.
With the 1999 introduction of telemetry that operates in the WMTS frequencies, Spacelabs continues a distinguished record of innovation that started in 1958 when Spacelabs helped design the first systems to monitor astronauts in space. In the 1960s, Spacelabs developed medical telemetry systems for hospitals. Today, Spacelabs provides flexible systems that allow hospitals to respond easily to varying levels of acuity.
Whether your current telemetry system operates in the Private Land-Mobile Radio (PLMR) band or on unused television channels, Spacelabs can help you transition from your current system to one that operates in the WMTS. Your Spacelabs sales representative can help you develop an upgrade plan that addresses your hospital's specific clinical and budgetary needs.

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