Feature 1

Sunday, May 10, 2009



Amosan is an oral wound cleanser manufactured in Belgium and sold under the Oral-B brand, belonging to Procter & Gamble after its recent acquisition of Gillette (2005). It is used to aid in the prevention of as well as speed the recovery from canker sores, denture irritation, orthodontic irritation, and oral injuries or after dental procedures. It is distributed in a powdered form requiring reconstitution with warm water, after which it is used as a mouthrinse. It is customarily packaged in 1.2 g envelopes and sold in boxes of 20 packets each.
A recent double-blind crossover study has suggested that hydrogen peroxide, which is released during the use of this product, may prevent or retard the colonization and multiplication of anaerobic bacteria, such as those which are known to inhabit oral wounds.
A very similar if not identical product, also manufactured under the Oral-B brand name, called Bocasan, used to be distributed in the UK, but appears to have been discontinued some time after 2003.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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