Feature 1

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This new hybrid instrument combines 3-part CBC testing along with CRP results within 4.5 min — both with the use of a single sample draw on WHOLE BLOOD. Microsampling with 10 µL (CBC) or 18 µL (CBC + CRP), comprehensive patient and QC data management, and minimal reagent consumption are just a few of the desirable features that make this analyzer unique. Immediate CRP analysis enables a more accurate diagnosis, quickly determining the presence of bacterial or viral infection.
Combined with a comprehensive Middleware system that offers patient data management along with accession logs of unlimited patient storage, customized window-panes designed to preview the most important data at-a-glance along with a simple and concise ability to order CBC’s and QC. This unique "Dashboard" concept allows for viewing capabilities in color-coded formats along with operator log management. EMR and LIS connectivity capability!

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