Feature 1

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Capnocheck® Plus

This stand-alone, bedside or transport capnograph incorporates sidestream technology for applications with both intubated and non-intubated patients. Waveforms and numeric values are easily viewed at all angles, and data can be stored and recalled with either on-screen trends, a printer, or personal computer. Product Features
Multiple display options
Serial and analog output
High-resolution, vacuum flourescent display
Breath-by-breath CO2 detection
Flexibility to incorporate SpO2 and FiO2 technology Product Benefits
View various data on-screen
Download to PC
Interface with polysomnographs

Capnocheck® Plus - Accessories
Reorder Code
1100Airway Adapter - straight without filter
1101Adult O2 Nasal Cannula
1102Pediatric O2 Nasal Cannula
1105Airway Adapter - straight with filter
1121Adult Oral/Nasal CO2/O2
1123Adult Oral/Nasal CO2
1124Pedatric Oral/Nasal CO2
1129Adult Nasal CO2
1130Pediatric Nasal CO2
1131Infant Nasal CO2
114015 ft. CO2 Sample Line
1151Pediatric Airway Adapter - without filter
1152Pediatric Airway Adapter - with filter
1178Moisture Trap Adapter
1179External CO2 Absorber
1187Moisture Trap Adapter
1300Disposable Adult Finger Sensor (over 45 kg)
1301Disposable Pediatric Finger Sensor (15 - 45 kg)
1302Disposable Neonate Finger Sensor (under 3 kg)
1303Disposable Infant Finger Sensor (3 - 15 kg)
1606Oximeter/ECG Simulator
1614115 V, 60Hz AC Charger
1615230V, 50/60Hz AC Charger
161690V, 50Hz AC Charger
1872Capnocheck® Plus Operation Manual
1873Capnocheck® Plus Service Manual
3025Infant Wrap Sensor
3026Neonate Wrap Sensor
3043Universal "Y" Sensor
3044Finger Sensor
3049Microfoam Adhesive Strip (use with 3025, 3026, 3043)
3078Ear Sensor
3134Neonate Attachment Tape
3135Infant Attachment Tape
3136Neonate Attachment Tape
3137Infant Attachment Tape
3138Universal "Y" Posey Wrap
3178Pediatric Finger Sensor (5 - 45 kg)
33115 ft Oximetry Cable
3356Clarity® Series IV Pole Bracket
3365Printer Interface Cable

3366PC Interface/Graphics Printer Interface Cable
3388GCX style Clarity® Series Roll Stand
3394Clarity® Series Wall Mount Bracket
3444Comfort Clip® Finger Sensor
5093ETCO2 Calibration Gas
7108Clarity® Series/9200 Roll Stand
8030Airway Adapter - elbow
80448 ft. CO2 Sample Line
8061Calibration Gas Flow Regulator with Gauge - (8200, 8400, 8401, 9004, 9200)
82114 ft. CO2 Sample Line
8217Calibration Kit with 5093 Cal Gas
8223Calibration Adapter
90143 Channel Analog Output Cable - Polysomnography
90154 Channel/Distance Analog Output Cable - Polysomnography
9048External 3.5 Micron Filter
9189FiO2 Adapter "T"
9190FiO2 Sensor
9191FiO2 Cable

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1 komentar: on "Capnocheck® Plus"

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