Feature 1

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The AbioCor is the world's first completely self-contained replacement heart.

The AbioCor is the world's first completely self-contained replacement heart.
The AbioCor is the world's first completely self-contained replacement heart. A product of three decades of research, development and testing, the AbioCor is central to ABIOMED's mission to make real the day when heart failure need not mean the end of life or the ability to enjoy life. Designed to fully sustain the body's circulatory system, the AbioCor is intended for end-stage heart failure patients whose other treatment options have been exhausted.
In 2001, ABIOMED made history when Mr. Robert Tools, a 58-year-old telephone company employee and teacher suffering from end stage heart failure was successfully implanted with the first AbioCor. The FDA approved the Abiocor for commercial approval under a Humanitarian Device Exemption in September, 2006.

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